Finding Five Minutes (of creativity)

New Year, new ideas right? I never have a shortage of those. I do however find myself with a shortage of time. Not because I have a baby, full time job, exclusively pumping, two dogs, a husband, and a house to take care of (although those don’t help) – simply because I procrastinate. I put things off, make excuses, excessively research and just never get around to things. This year my resolution is simple.


5 minutes of finding time. 5 minutes of creativity. 5 minutes of finding time for creativity.

I won’t be treating it like a ‘365’ project, because that puts unnecessary pressure on those days when you really don’t have the time. But the rest of the days? No excuses. 5 minutes, that’s it! Every Monday, I will showcase a highlight recap from the past week of how I spent my five minutes. I invite you to do the same, share your five minutes of time on Instagram with #FindingFiveMinutes


No pressure, no rules, no excuses. Just five minutes every time I can find it to be creative. What are you finding five minutes for?


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